Gratitude Affirmations For A Happy Life

4 min readJul 23, 2021


A gratitude affirmation is a simple approach to begin and end each day on a brighter note. If you spend some time each day writing down what you are grateful for before going to bed, you will not only go to sleep thinking of good thoughts, but you will also wake up the next morning thinking of happy thoughts. Because your feelings are fed by your sentiments, this will transform your appreciative thoughts into happy feelings. This will make you feel better, give you more energy, and brighten your perspective on life.

How do gratitude affirmations help?

Gratitude affirmations serve as a regular reminder of the achievements in your life and their positive impact. Repetition of these phrases affects your overall mood and gives happiness. Your self-esteem rises dramatically when you are appreciative of something wonderful that has happened to you.

Gratitude affirmations could help you get back on track if you become derailed by unpleasant events in your daily life and find yourself drifting away from cheerful emotions and positive ideas. They assist you in focusing on the positive aspects of life while diverting your focus away from unexpected adversities. Positive thinking, according to the law of attraction, draws more positive thoughts. This suggests that when you are cheerful and positive, more wonderful things will come your way.

Gratitude Affirmations

The more you practice gratitude affirmations, the more likely you are to embrace them. They will get engraved in your mind, and the ideas will become automatic. Good feelings will become more likely to enter your mind than negative ones.

Here are some thankfulness affirmations to help you improve your mood, promote self-discovery, and feel joyful at any moment.

Affirmations can be *so powerful* but most people make mistakes and quit before they see results. You can follow this affirmation workbook to see how it can impact your life in just 7 days.

  • I’m learning to be appreciative of what I have while anticipating what is ahead.
  • I will be forever thankful for the love I can give and the affection I have yet to experience.
  • My lovely family means the world to me, and I cherish them.
  • My friends improve my life in immeasurable ways, and I am grateful for each and every one of them.
  • My pets provide me with genuine love and warmth. I am so grateful to have them.
  • Now that I’m appreciative, I’m leaving the door open for further blessings.
  • Even loss can lead to progress, and my thankfulness grows as a result.
  • Every person I encounter has something to teach me. I appreciate their insight.
  • I am thankful for my ability to see the bright side of any circumstance.
  • I am grateful for all the ways that the world wishes to reward me.
  • I shall be cradled in the arms of prosperity if I handle this predicament with gratitude.
  • Whatever has occurred, and whatever will happen, I am confident that I will be able to be grateful once more.
  • I am thankful for the helpful guides that arrive in the most unexpected places to lead me closer to compassion.
  • I am grateful for the knowledge that each experience has taught me.
  • I am thankful for the steady flow of cash in my career.
  • I understand how lucky I am to have so many people who care about me.
  • I am grateful for having access to nutritious food and safe drinking water.
  • I’m grateful for everything my amazing physique allows me to do.
  • I’m grateful for my failures because they’ve made me tougher, and they’ve taught me to see and cherish the good in everyone, including myself.
  • I’m grateful to everyone who helped bring food to my table.
  • I am fortunate to be able to pursue my passions in life.
  • Every possibility to do excellent and serve others makes me grateful.
  • The light, the sky, and the stars are all things for which I am grateful.
  • I’m thankful for the opportunity to influence other people’s lives.
  • I am thankful for the small pleasures in life that make me happy.
  • I am glad for all of the wonderful places I’ve been throughout my existence.
  • I’m grateful for how much I have to be thankful for.
  • I am happy for the ability to experience a wide range of wonderful emotions.
  • I am thankful for all of the adventures I’ve experienced so far in my life.
  • I am fortunate to be able to do the things that I want.
  • I am happy for the great life I have been given.
  • I am grateful to the Universe for creating me and providing me with everything I have.

Key Takeaway

It’s time to concentrate on the positive aspects of your life. You have plenty of things to be thankful for, from the smallest to the most significant aspects of living. Make a list of at least 3 things for which you are grateful and as you breathe in, imagine that you will be nourishing your body with additional gratitude.

